The Deck of Shadows | (Guest Post) A Three-Step Reading System Using The Dynamic Spreads Deck

He opened the book at random, or so he believed, but a book is like a sandy path which keeps the indent of footsteps.
― Graham Greene, The Human Factor

Today’s Guest Post is from Bill Reichle — creator of The Dynamic Spreads Deck. Bill is going to share with you a 3-Step Process for realigning and reorienting your own life and giving greater depth to any readings you might do.

Take it away, Bill . . .


Guest Post by Bill Reichle

Creator of The Dynamic Spreads Deck

Are you feeling stuck and in need of a bit of assistance, or maybe you’re just pondering the ebbs and flows of your life? Tarot or Oracle decks are a great way of shaking things up and giving you a fresh perspective. And to get the most out of those tools, I’ve come to rely on a 3 step process.

1.    Ask good questions

2.    Welcome and receive the advice (let it really sink in)

3.    Act on the advice (assuming, your “gut” agrees!)

Those instructions are certainly simple, but how you carry them out is another matter. The devil is in the details, as usual. The last step, the follow-through on the advice or inspiration, can be a challenge for many (if not most). But you’re in good hands in that regard, as Scott Grossberg is the master of motivation hacks.

Step 2 is about your reflection and interaction with the cards, a tool for seeking answers and wisdom. There are countless books on this subject so I won’t dwell on this point. You can also checkout an instructional video I made on the topic which uses Scott’s Deck of Shadows and art books as an example of a divinatory tools.

Asking the right questions, is the part that’s been intriguing me lately. I even created a spread deck to support this area of interest. If you’ve ever worked with Oracle or Tarot cards, you’re probably familiar with the concept of a “spread” — an imaginary backdrop of questions (positions) for the cards to be laid upon. For example, if you pose a mental question “what do I most need to know today?” and then pulled a Tarot card to answer it, you’re essentially using a one-position spread.

I liken the use of these divination tools to the notion of speaking with the archetypal old wise woman or man. In the movies, they tend to be silent until you ask them something. If you don’t ask the right questions, you won’t receive the information you most dearly need. And this is how I feel it is when we utilize divination tools.

Knowing the right questions is surprisingly more difficult than you might think, and this will be the focus of this post.
Here are a few reasons why it’s important:

•    Saves time by calling attention to important matters. Using the signal to noise ratio as an analogy, a good question focuses on the signal.

•    Changes your perspective: Interesting questions can poetically shift the way you see things.

•    Places a mirror in front of your face. We often look at others for why we are in the situation we are in, or for why we feel a certain way about something.

Sometimes we need to ask how we played a role in it.

My spread deck — Dynamic Spreads Deck, was designed to make it easier to ask the important questions — to see issues from different perspectives, and to shake things up a bit. It’s a set of 105 cards, with 1 or 2 implicit questions per card. Each question is considered a spread position.

To use a spread deck, you need to first choose the questions you want, then choose and lay down your oracle cards

There are two ways you can select cards from a spread deck.

1.    Spreadcrafting: Look through the cards and actively choose which ones you find appropriate for the issues or concerns you or your client has.

2.    Spreadomancy: Passively choose spread cards, where you’re not aware of what you selected until you turn the card over.

Both methods have their place. First, let’s look at how they can improve self-readings.


Both selection methods for choosing spread cards are effective in self-readings. If there is a known area of your life that could benefit from some support or attention, you can consciously craft a spread with a focus on the specific areas you need to work on.

Spreadomancy, however, is a fantastic way to let the universe (collective unconscious or whatever you call it) prompt you into investigating topics or questions you may be overlooking, but it’s important nonetheless. For anyone who stopped doing self-readings, I think you’ll find yourself falling in love with them again, if you use this technique.

Neuroscientist Dr. Michael Merzenich has said that the brain reduces its complexities of its operations as we age. That is, when you seek an answer, you come up with fewer possibilities. Your view and perspective becomes more narrow. However, we know that an exorcised brain can help combat these loses. Surprises and working outside our norm is like health food for our brain. Spreadomancy can produce surprising and interesting combinations that can have you easily expanding your area of focus. It can have you looking into areas that you may have shut down and stopped paying attention to.

Reading for Others

When reading for others, spreadcrafting is fantastic for people who’ve never had a reading before. A new customer, who isn’t sure what questions to ask, can be assisted by working with the reader to co-create a spread that’s right for them. It gets the customer involved in the process, which has them taking more ownership for how to move forward after they leave.

One of my favorite uses for spreadomancy when reading for others was actually an idea from Scott. After performing a reading using your tried and true techniques, you can conclude the session by randomly pulling a Theme card to see what the Universe wants them to pay attention to. Sometimes the mundane issues your client is focused on is not the same thing as what they should really be looking at.

If you’re interested in learning more about checkout the gallery page on my website.


Thanks, Bill. I really love your Dynamic Spreads Deck. And so do all the people I’ve shared it with.

If you enjoyed any of these articles, I’d be grateful if you click below to share this with others. That’s right, go ahead and help spread this information by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+. Thank you!

And make sure to sign up for my blog mailing list so you get all future postings delivered directly to your inbox.

© 2014 by Scott Grossberg. All Rights Reserved.

The Deck of Shadows | A Review of The “Dynamic Spreads Deck”

I am the only one of us who brings in any money. the other two cannot make money fortune telling. this is because they only tell the truth, and the truth is not what people want to hear. it is a bad thing and it troubles people, so they do not come back.

– Neil Gaiman, American Gods

For those of you who give readings: “Keep the people who come to you riveted to what you have to say by finally giving a reading that uses a spread/layout that makes profound sense to their particular situation. And keep them coming back because your readings aren’t the same thing over and over again.

Wouldn’t you like that?

And wouldn’t you like to be as emotionally invested in what you are doing as you were when you first got started in the crazy business of fortune telling?

Of course you would. What reader wouldn’t?

You’re unique. Your reading layouts should be that unique, as well.

Well, we’re going to take a brief respite from my normal “Thinking Magically” articles because I’ve found something that will help you do all this . . . (and for those of you who aren’t into readings and who follow me for the motivation, transformation, and success tips . . . read on ’til the end . . . there’s even something compelling and perceptive for each of you) . . .

Many of you already work with “The Deck of Shadows“ (my oracle deck) and “The Vitruvian Square” (my unified theory of divination). Well, I’m now adding the “Dynamic Spreads Deck” by BK Reichle to my own magical toolkit. And with great delight!

When working with oracular techniques, the cards, lines, signs, and objects are essential parts of what you do. But we sometimes tend to overlook the importance of the SUBJECT of the reading and get into a rut using the same layout or reading spread time and time again and forcing that technique into the real needs of the person sitting opposite us.

The truth is . . . a well-designed, unexpected, and unusual spread/layout is just as important, as well.

And a spread that is tailored to a particular participant or setting allows you to do something else.

What is that something else?

You create a reputation for yourself of being unparalleled and incomparable. THAT’S HOW YOU MOVE FROM DABBLING TO CREATING A BUSINESS!

BK Reichle has created, in my opinion, a genuinely terrific tool for taking your practice to a more profound and profitable level.

One more thing. I am not an affiliate for this product and don’t get a commission on any sales. I’m a consumer like everyone else. I know what I like and what I don’t like. And I’m all about passing on information on other people’s creations that I think deserve a place in your success repertoire. This is one of those creations.


PROS: Beautiful packaging and design! There are 105 different cards – full color backs and various topics, themes, subjects on the face of each card. There are mini-cards included that can be used to differentiate options in a reading and set some timing parameters and scope. There is also a companion 50 page book that explains, in detail, how to use the Dynamic Spreads Deck. The cards come in a very well-made recipe-type box with flip lid, tabbed category dividers and even a loop at the top of the lid to hold your grease pencil or pen.And there’s a small white Post-It Note™ type pack included. The whole product comes packaged in an even larger and impressive game box. This just looks enticing before you even dig into the contents and opportunities.

CONS: The coating on the cards makes them sticky initially so they don’t spread easily on first use. That’s remedied by simply spreading and working with the cards a bit before your first formal use. Personally, I would have liked the cards to be a bit smaller for easier carrying. But . . . those of you who work with standard Tarot-size cards will love the dimensions.

The Dynamic Spreads Deck was delivered to my office and the first thing I noticed was the weight and size of the package. This wasn’t something lightweight or trivial I was holding in my hands. Once the mailing material was removed, I found the Dynamic Spreads Deck neatly protected in clear shrink wrap (this is heavy material, by the way . . . get your fingers or your scissors ready).

I removed the clear covering and found the box of spread cards neatly tucked between two cardboard spacing units. Behind all of that was the Companion Book. I’m not going to go into more detail because you can actually see pictures of these here:

Having produced my own oracle deck, I applaud Mr. Reichle on a JOB WELL DONE! I work with success-minded people and his cards will fit right in with their mindset. The cards simply LOOK GOOD. That’s important to me. That should be important to you.

The Companion Book is nicely laid out. It gives you a Quick Start Guide and then moves into a more detailed explanation of using the cards the way Mr. Reichle intended.

Here’s the interesting thing about this deck: the creator talks about Tarot cards and even gives examples within the pages using that particular reading tool. However, he and I have actually discussed how his product is more expansive and can be readily and powerfully used with ANY TYPE OF ORACLE device. That’s right. I don’t care what type of reading system you use, the Dynamic Spreads Deck can be used with your forecasting and, to quote James Wanless, your “fortune-creation” tool of choice. You see, this deck provides you FOCUS and DIRECTION no matter what tool you prefer to use (even if it’s your own inner vision and imagination).

For me, the MOST POWERFUL benefit of the Dynamic Spreads Deck is your ability to use the product as an reading device, itself. And, if you don’t do standard readings, this deck also helps you TELL A STORY by simply following the wording in a sequential manner (much like I designed The Deck of Shadows to accomplish).

Take all of the larger cards (not the mini-cards) out of its cardboard house, remove the category dividers, and treat the whole thing as an oracle, itself. That’s right. I want you to treat the Dynamic Spreads Deck just as you would the Deck of Shadows, Lenormand deck, or Tarot cards. Shuffle the cards so they are completely mixed (you might have to break the cards into several smaller packs, shuffle those together, and then combine the whole lot depending on your experience handling cards – think of this much as you’ve seen dealers in Vegas or Atlantic City handling large groups of cards). And then create a spread from the face-down deck using your intuition, imagination, and intention.

Many times people will come to us seeking an answer to a question they think they “want” answered. As often as not, however, what people “need” to hear about it not what they really think it might be.  The Dynamic Spreads Deck provides you an elegant way to actually figure out what needs to be discussed and the exploration and discovery can lead to some very, very intense readings without turing over one Tarot card. In fact, I’ve already done some reading in just this manner. Here’s a sample:

I had someone who had just transitioned from a very high-powered management position to a startup company. She’s very intense and people-driven (that’s why she was hired). But, she doesn’t own the new company and wants to make certain that she’s incredibly successful with her new employer. I shuffled the Dynamic Spreads Deck and pulled three cards:


How perfect for just this person’s situation! Can you see how this is a reading all by itself?

Of course, the Deck of Shadows and Tarot cards can then flesh out the balance of the reading.

Okay, for those of you who aren’t into readings but who would like to take your lives, careers, and businesses to the next level of success, this part’s for you:

One of the most important things a successful business person can do is to keep asking questions. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the work of everyday life, we forget how we got started, overlook what’s really motivating us to get up in the morning, and shy away from the bigger concerns by rationalizing we have another day to think about them. Forget fortune telling. We just want to flourish. (And for those of you in the counseling and executive coaching fields, what I’m about to say is PERFECT for you!)

I want you to imagine a deck of cards that forces you to mediate, contemplate, ruminate, and come up with answers that actually make a difference . . . to you, to your employees, and to your loved ones.

Who doesn’t want that? Right?

The Dynamic Spreads Deck can also be used as a meditative and thought-provoking business tool.  Here’s what I mean:

I have used Roger von Oech’s “Creative Whack” and ” Innovative Whack” packs before as additional creative strategy tools. Now, the Dynamic Spreads Deck gets easily added to that workflow; not just as a creative strategy tool, but as a tool for forcing me to think about those things we all should be thinking about. You’re not going to be using anything “woo-woo.” You’re just going to select a random card and apply it to your business AT THE MOMENT, and YOU’RE GOING TO PROVIDE THE ANSWERS OR ROUND OUT THE THEME.

For example, let’s assume you pulled the following three “random” cards:




Can you see how these now force me to consider my business in a new light? Perhaps I need the answer to the following question: “What is my responsibility for the way my business communicates and is that communication (or lack thereof) the source of concern?” I don’t care who you are or what business you’re in, that type of deep inquiry into the mechanics of your career will have an impact.

My experience with the Dynamic Spreads Deck has been truly impressive and positive and expansive. I put this deck to use within minutes of opening the package! I intend to keep using it in a wide variety of roles.

Yes, it’s that powerful and useful.

I highly recommend that you obtain this product. I just know it will add new impact, new dimension, and new significance to any reading situation or business setting. But . . . you’d better hurry if you’re going to be the one who’s unique. I predict others will start using this and then you’re just going to look like you’re copying someone else.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Of course, you can see more about the Dynamic Spreads Deck here:

If you enjoyed any of these articles, I’d be grateful if you click below to share this with others. That’s right, go ahead and help spread this information by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+. Thank you!

And make sure to sign up for my blog mailing list so you get all future postings delivered directly to your inbox.

© 2014 by Scott Grossberg. All Rights Reserved.

The Deck of Shadows | Guest Post – Rob Lupine

Every now and then, I am contacted with someone’s personal experience with The Deck of Shadows. It is always exciting to hear how the cards have taken on a new significance for some. So . . . I share the following from Rob Lupine with you (and with his kind permission) –


A few weeks ago I attended a meeting of mages, necromancers and other practitioners of the dark craft that I indulge so much of my passions in.

Such meetings are a great way to network, catch up with friends and share new ideas in the workings of the art, and I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend.

I always set myself a rule not to buy anything that I will not use, (no matter how pretty or attractive it may seem, the last thing the wife needs is another “Unusual” conversation piece to explain away in the living room!)

So when I saw the deck of shadows on one of the stalls I barely gave it a second look. After all, it was just another deck of oracle cards and I have loads of them. It was in one of those nasty little net bags that I hate so much- they rip so easily in the pocket!

It wasn’t even a respectable size- no bigger than a deck of common or garden playing cards! However that is the only time I will use the word “common” in respect to them!*

A little while later I was talking to the man running the stall, a man who I have a lot of respect for in the field- Dr. Todd Landman. We spoke of various routines and techniques and tools, and the conversation turned to psychic readings.

A few years ago Todd produced some amazing cards based around the Rorschach ink blot tests of the late 19th century. I was complimenting him of these cards and telling him how I used them in my psychic readings. Dr. Todd smiled and asked me, “If you liked them, have you seen the deck of shadows?”

Well not wishing to appear rude, I smiled politely while he reached for a deck and proceeded to open them and show me the cards themselves. At first glance the black and white imagery does not leap out, it has to be said. But this little deck doesn’t need to brag.

Each card has one key word and three secondary words to have meanings  in four directions if the user so wishes. The centre of the card displays a piece of classic art that reflects the words surrounding it, and at the top there is a playing card value. For those of us that know how to read playing cards, you will observe a lot of care has been taken to line up the right card value with the right image. To round everything off there is a different symbol at the bottom of each card.

There are 54 cards in all- the 52 standard cards, a “Yes” card and a “no” card. The latter two would be great on their own to work a pendulum reading!

One of the things I look for in a tool of divination is something that will “Speak” clearly to the reader, with a new meaning every time you look at them. This deck seems to achieve just that. I love the fact that I am still discovering new aspects and probably will continue to do so for some time yet.

The deck comes with a booklet that contains a description of each card and suggested spreads. It has to be said I seldom do more than flick through the book, preferring to get to know the cards in my own way and work in a style that seems right to me, however the book does make good reading.

The thing I love about these cards is that I was able to read with them right away- I was working with them on Psychic World TV the Monday after the meeting, and the answers practically leaped from the cards at me. A lot of the time I was able to do a full reading only using one card, however recently I have been using a three card spread.

The first card answers the question, “Where am I?”  and looks at where you are at philosophically speaking, the situation before you at the moment.

The second card looks at what action is needed to improve and progress the situation forward.

The third card will show the person having the reading what is around them to help them achieve the action described in the second card.

I have found this spread will answer most questions effectively, but as always would urge the user to discover their own spreads and work in their own way!

The Deck of Shadows is an amazing deck and I am delighted that Todd introduced me to them. He was selling them on behalf of a gentleman named Scott Grossberg, who was kind enough to allow me to use them on television.

I will say that these cards, while not the most flamboyant in the world,  have the ability to surprise, and impress. and being the size they are makes them easy to have on your person if you are put on the spot to do an impromptu reading!

If you are a reader and interested in getting your own deck of shadows they can be bought from this link (I’m not getting anything from Scott for doing this, I just believe in giving credit where it’s due.)

*Well- and also here, but that can’t be helped


Thank you again, Rob, for your kinds words. I look forward to hearing of your further adventures with the cards.

And thank you, Todd, for introducing Rob to his new friend!

If you enjoyed this, I’d be grateful if you click below to share this with others. That’s right, go ahead and help spread this information by emailing it to a friend, or sharing it on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+. Thank you!

And make sure to sign up for my blog mailing list so you get all future postings delivered directly to your inbox.

© 2012 by Scott Grossberg. All Rights Reserved.

The Deck of Shadows | Hands of Truth

Truth is what works. – William James

Here is a video tutorial for a fascinating and powerful technique that relies on the ideomotor responses of the person you are working with. (Hint: you can use this, yourself, for some spectacular changes and making new discoveries).

Just some thoughts. If you enjoyed this, please click below to share this with others.

And make sure to sign up for my blog mailing list so you get all future postings delivered directly to your inbox.

© 2012 by Scott Grossberg. All Rights Reserved.

The Deck of Shadows | The Distressed Look

Now for a little something different. Here is a video tutorial on aging/distressing The Deck of Shadows.

Here is a group of aged/distressed cards.

And here’s a comparison of the same card before and after.

If you’re interested in finding out more about The Deck of Shadows, you can go to my website at the following link:

The Deck of Shadows

Just some thoughts. If you enjoyed this, please click below to share this with others.

And make sure to sign up for my blog mailing list so you get all future postings delivered directly to your inbox.

© 2011 by Scott Grossberg. All Rights Reserved.

The Deck of Shadows | The Play of the Great Pumpkin

Each year, the Great Pumpkin rises out of the pumpkin patch that he thinks is the most sincere. He’s gotta pick this one. He’s got to. I don’t see how a pumpkin patch can be more sincere than this one. You can look around and there’s not a sign of hypocrisy. Nothing but sincerity as far as the eye can see. – Linus (Charles Schulz)

Charles Schulz first mentioned the Great Pumpkin in 1959. As the story goes, The Great Pumpkin finds a pumpkin patch he judges to be the most heartfelt and sincere. The Great Pumpkin then flies through the air and delivers toys to the all the good children. Anyone who knows the story can also attest to the fact that the Great Pumpkin has a fragile personality and so is easily offended. If displeased, the Great Pumpkin will bypass and deny his bounty to anyone who doubts his existence. As such, you quickly learn to say things like when the Great Pumpkin arrives, rather than if the Great Pumpkin arrives.

On a deeper level, the Great Pumpkin is the tale of Linus’ unshakeable belief in the unknown (and, perhaps, unknowable). Schulz has provided generations with a story of coming to grips with your core beliefs. What a perfect concept to use for a Deck of Shadows layout. So, here goes . . .


This spread uses 9 cards from a well-shuffled deck. This layout is designed to explore what you find to be profound and honest, and the rewards that will be yours from your choices.


MEANING: These cards represent your current situation, where you find yourself sitting – where you are located, so to speak – most of the time, and those things, events, or people that have a heartfelt and genuine meaning for you. Just as Linus has to discover the most sincere pumpkin patch in order to watch the Great Pumpkin arrive, you, too, are responsible for choosing how honest your situation is at any given moment.


MEANING: The Linus card represents the theology or philosophy that is driving your actions at the moment. There are times when this belief can actually, but momentarily, convince others of your sincerity. In the end, however, it is what you hold to be true for yourself and yourself, alone.


MEANING: This is what is providing you with intense emotional support and psychological support. This is a transitional object and represents something tangible (rather than an internal construct).


MEANING: This card represents your sidekick in your present situation. You might be a mentor to him or her. This person also provides you with alternate points of view or philosophies. In fact, the Sally card also provides you with some of the traits you are missing and so serves as a balance.


MEANING: This card is not just about hope, it is about your staunch belief, and not giving up on what others tell you is the impossible. The Great Pumpkin card is what you know in your soul is going to happen. Others might consider you as mad as a hatter for regarding what this card represents as true, but your faith is unshakeable! Your job, of course, is to find the best place from which to view the fruits of your convictions.


MEANING: This is what you believe you will be given when – not if – the Great Pumpkin event (represented by Card 7) appears to you.


MEANING: In the unlikely event that you do not put yourself in a place or position to view the arrival of your own personal Great Pumpkin, this is what is revealed to you, instead. This is the reality you will have to deal with or the actual gift you will receive in the end.

When the cards are spread out, this is what they should look like:

In giving this particular reading, remember that there is no unbiased or fair-minded way to determine what is sincere and what is disingenuous. As such, this layout can also be used to help someone to put aside their doubts and move forward with faith and confidence. In other words, there is no room for doubt when you are a believer in the Great Pumpkin.

If you’re interested in finding out more about The Deck of Shadows, you can go to my website at the following link:

The Deck of Shadows

Just some thoughts. If you enjoyed this, please click below to share this with others.

And make sure to sign up for my blog mailing list so you get all future postings delivered directly to your inbox.

The Great Pumpkin, Linus, Snoopy, Sally, and other Peanuts characters are the creations and copyright of Charles M. Schulz and Peanuts Worldwide LLC.
© 2011 by Scott Grossberg. All Rights Reserved.

The Deck of Shadows | The Romeo & Juliet Spread (Guest Post)

Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous; and it pricks like thorn. – William Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet

After Kevin Winder’s terrific Frankenstein Spread guest post, he delivers a one-two punch with his new, extensive Romeo & Juliet spread for use with The Deck of Shadows. Of course, I didn’t want to wait until Valentine’s Day to share it with you .  .  . so you get it now. As Kevin teaches you, the purpose of the Romeo and Juliet spread is “to show that in any relationship there is both good and bad, and that if potential obstacles are challenged and not ignored they can be overcome.”

I think everyone knows Shakespeare’s classic tale of love and tragedy. Needless to say, Kevin’s Deck of Shadows‘ spread allows you to explore the whole concept of true love conquers all.


This spread uses 11 cards from a well-shuffled and cut Deck of Shadows. If you are giving a reading for a male client, you start with the Romeo card. If you are reading for a female client, the first card read is the Juliet card. You use this same rationale when addressing the other issues covered by The Romeo and Juliet Spread. In other words, feel free to start your reading with any position that makes more sense in the context of what your client wants to explore.

The 11 cards you will be using represent:


MEANING:  This is the personal situation faced by your male client, and what they are bringing to the situation. This position can also highlight possible issues that they may need to resolve to make the relationship a success. [SCOTT’S NOTE: When you are reading for a female client, this position represents the male energy – if not the client’s romantic counterpart, herself – that is involved in the present situation.]


MEANING: This is the personal situation faced by your female client, and what they are bringing to the situation. As with the Romeo card, this position also highlights potential issues that may need to be addressed for the relationship to work. [SCOTT’S NOTE: When you are reading for a male client, this position represents the female energy – if not the client’s romantic counterpart, himself – that is involved in the present situation.]

POSITION 3The Montague Family

MEANING: This is how Romeo’s friends/family view the current relationship, and how that perspective is affecting Romeo’s behavior, feelings, and goals. This is the position that reveals what others would like to see happen for Romeo. In other words, this summarizes their concerns and desires. This may be either or good and bad, but can be influenced by how Juliet reacts.

POSITION 4The Capulet Family

MEANING: This is how Juliet’s friends/family view the relationship, and how their perspective is affecting Juliet’s behavior, feelings, and goals. As with the former position, this also reveals what others would like to see happen – this time for Juliet. This may be either or good and bad, but can be influenced by how Romeo reacts.

POSITION 5 Romeo’s Personal Obstacles

MEANING: These are the obstacles that Romeo must overcome for his relationship with Juliet to thrive. This may also portend the the possible outcome if Romeo fails to overcome his challenges.

POSITION 6Juliet’s Personal Obstacles

MEANING: These are the obstacles that Juliet must overcome for his relationship with Romeo to thrive. This may also portend the the possible outcome if she fails to overcome her challenges.

POSITION 7. The Couple’s Obstacles

MEANING: Romeo and Juliet will have to overcome many obstacles (both small and more substantial) if their relationship is to thrive. This card indicates what obstacles they will have to work together to overcome as a couple.

POSITION 8. The Poison (Romeo’s Downfall)

MEANING: This is what could destroy Romeo and his love; what could lead to the demise of his relationship. It may also outline any potential issues that appear once the relationship with Juliet has blossomed.

POSITION 9. The Dagger  (Juliet’s Downfall)

MEANING: This card reveals that which can destroy Juliet and her love for Romeo; what can lead to the end of their relationship. Once again, this card highlights potential pitfalls that will be needed to be overcome if their love is to survive.

POSITION 10. Romeo’s Joy/Bliss

MEANING: These are the feelings and emotions that Romeo can bring to the relationship to allow true love to prevail. It may also indicate what Romeo has sacrificed/overcome to reach this stage.

POSITION 11. Juliet’s Joy/Bliss

MEANING: This card represents that which Juliet brings to the relationship, and the feelings and emotions that she has in regards to that bond. This card may also highlight the issues that have been overcome to achieve the comfort that being in this present union brings.

The Spread Layout


The real power behind Kevin’s Romeo & Juliet spread is the ability to begin your analysis and interpretation anywhere along the way. Most other spreads mandate a specific, linear style of reading. This spread, literally, sets you free.

Thank you, again, Kevin for sharing so lavishly with everyone!

If you’re interested in finding out more about The Deck of Shadows, you can go to my website at the following link:

The Deck of Shadows

Just some thoughts (from Kevin Winder and me). If you enjoyed this, please click below to share this with others.

And make sure to sign up for my blog mailing list so you get all future postings delivered directly to your inbox.

© 2011 by Scott Grossberg. All Rights Reserved.

The Deck of Shadows | The Frankenstein Spread (Guest Post)

Invention, it must be humbly admitted, does not consist in creating out of voice, but out of chaos. – Mary Shelley

Halloween is only about a month away. Certainly you will want to be prepared with your Deck of Shadows for some fashionable layouts to add to your bag of tricks! Recently, Kevin Winder contacted me with a sublime layout that centers around Mary Shelley’s tale. I’m posting this now so you can become familiar with this before the upcoming holiday.

As a bit of backstory, the first edition of Frankenstein; or The Modern Prometheus was published in London in 1818. Many people incorrectly call the monster in the tale, Frankenstein. Victor Frankenstein is the man who created the monster we’ve all come to know. The monster was never given an actual name in the book.


There are times in everyone’s life when they feel that certain issues and problems have been created by others. Still it is how we react to those situations that matters most. The whole purpose of The Frankenstein Spread is to show someone that it may be their personally darker side that they feel unable to control (as opposed to the situation, itself). As with all things, there is an opposite that may bring light to the situation and once this is recognized, controlling it may become easier.

The Frankenstein Monster’s Spread uses 6 cards in 6 positions. They are:

CARD 1. The Creator (Victor Frankenstein)

MEANING:  This is what has created the monster that seems to be in control of your life at the current time, and what allows you to resign yourself to being controlled by something you feel is not of your own making.

CARD 2The Monster

MEANING: This is your current personal situation; that which is destroying your real self and, as such, is controlling you and your life. It may even be shattering your hopes and dreams. This is something that you do not currently like about yourself. It may even be the direct opposite of the person you wish to be or the way you wish things to be.

CARD 3The Monster’ Feelings

MEANING: This is how you view The Monster and how it is controlling your thoughts and actions. It may also explain why you have let it have such control.

CARD 4The Villagers

MEANING: This is how your friends/family actually view The Monster and the way that it is acting and their efforts to try and appease it as opposed to letting it run amok.

CARD 5The Downfall

MEANING: What the possible outcome may be if The Monster is allowed to continue unchecked or the problems that it may create are allowed to continue.

CARD 6The Escape

MEANING: That which will awaken the real you and stir you from your current path. This ensures that you are far better prepared to deal with The Monster should it reappear.

[Scott’s Notes: Obviously, the Boris Karloff images are what most people envision when they hear the name Frankesnstein. However, Bernie Wrightson of Marvel Comics illustrated a 1983 edition of Frankenstein based on the actual descriptions from the original Shelley book. I have used Wrightson’s images for the card layout. More information on Wrightson’s work can be found here: Frankenstein Illustrated.]

Here is what the spread looks like:

Images (c) Bernie Wrightson


Thank you, Kevin, for this very timely Deck of Shadows layout! I truly appreciate you taking the time to invent this, write it up, and then sharing it.

If you’re interested in finding out more about The Deck of Shadows, you can go to my website at the following link:

The Deck of Shadows

Just some thoughts (from Kevin Winder and me). If you enjoyed this, please click below to share this with others.

And make sure to sign up for my blog mailing list so you get all future postings delivered directly to your inbox.

© 2011 by Scott Grossberg. All Rights Reserved.

The Deck of Shadows | A Trusty Sidekick (Guest Post)

As you can imagine, it is always incredibly wonderful to receive messages from people who have The Deck of Shadows. It’s even more fun to read about their unique and personal ways of using the cards. Today, I’d like to share with you something that Bill Tarot wrote up and sent to me.


Have you ever found yourself staring down at the Tarot cards you pulled and knew it could mean one of two things, but you weren’t sure which? Or how about the times when you look at one of the cards in the spread and think… “huh!?!”

My cure to this situation is The Deck of Shadows, and the deck has never failed me, yet. I’ll give you a recent example. A friend of mine had to give some bad news via a presentation to a group of executives where he worked. After struggling with how to shape the message, he turned to me for advice and I turned to Tarot. The 10 of Swords spoke to the ending of a bad financial period, and the 10 of Wands highlighted that they weren’t giving up even though it felt overwhelming. This was all true, and he had already incorporated those messages into his slide presentation. But I felt the 10 of Wands had more to say, and I just wasn’t picking it up.

So I turned to The Deck of Shadows and, naturally, received a laser sharp message that rounded out the advice. I pulled the card called Underdog. It pointed to an issue that my friend and some of his teammates sometimes forget. His company was battling competition that was well entrenched and my friend’s company was a relative newcomer. The burden of the 10 of Wands was due, in great part, to the fact that they were The Newcomer – The Underdog. When my friend framed his message against that little guy backdrop, the situation no longer looked as gloomy, and the presentation had the positive side effect of rallying the “everyone loves the underdog” energy.

As we study Tarot, we learn many different ways to interpret the cards – but during the reading, it might be only one aspect that our intuition instantly grabs hold of and passes to the conscious mind as the message. Similarly, The Deck of Shadows (at least for me) tends to have only one element that intuitively resonates in a reading. Each card has 4 words, and only one may stick out as the focused message. Yet other times, like a traditional Tarot deck, it’s the central image or even the small icon on the bottom that presents itself.

My current reading deck may change from time to time, but The Deck of Shadows is always the trusty sidekick. I don’t use them for every reading, but I make sure it’s always with me when I give one.

During Readers Studio 2011 in New York, Aaron Rathbun was showcasing his leather Tarot bags (which can be custom designed). I asked him to create one for me that would house a common-sized Tarot deck and The Deck of Shadows (with some side room for stones). Now, when I leave house with my Tarot bag, I know I have everything needed for a great reading with me.


Thank you, Bill, for letting me (and now others) know how you are using The Deck of Shadows and for taking the time to write this all up. Your case, by the way, looks phenomenal!

I just love how people continue to discover how easy it is to mix oracle tools rather than being stuck with only one reading device.

If you’re interested in finding out more about The Deck of Shadows, you can go to my website at:

Just some thoughts (from Bill Tarot and me). If you enjoyed this, please click below to share this with others.

And make sure to sign up for my blog mailing list so you get all future postings delivered directly to your inbox.

© 2011 by Scott Grossberg. All Rights Reserved.

The Deck of Shadows | The “Show White” Spread

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is one of those masterful stories that holds profound meaning for most people. Who hasn’t been enthralled by the retelling of the evil step-mother queen, the magic mirror, and the seven dwarfs? The official story, traced back as far as 1857, has all the elements of a classic mythological tale. It is no wonder, then, that this fairytale can serve as an outstanding backdrop of a divination layout/spread for use with The Deck of Shadows.

For me, the Snow White tale is, itself, a mirror that reflects what many people are feeling today; that sensation of being stuck in place and not knowing where to turn for help. It is a story of knowing you deserve better, but watching others take what you believe to be rightfully yours. It is a testimony of the path our own uneasy innocence takes as it is tested and matures until our happily ever after is achieved.

The following spread, then, can be used to help someone discover how to overcome feelings of being trapped, and what to look for to find the exhilaration and triumph of finally living their dreams.

You will be using 12 cards (7 of those, of course, are for the Dwarves).

Shuffle and cut the deck. Select 12 cards and lay them out, as follows:

The images for this spread, by the way, are from the wonderful illustrator, Charles Santore.

These 12 cards now represent:

POSITION 1.  Snow White

MEANING: Where you are right now. This is the submissive part of yourself that has taken over, thus resigning yourself to the rut in which you find yourself. This is also that part of you that believes if you are too successful, you won’t be liked.

POSITION 2.  The Evil Step-Mother Queen

MEANING: This is your adversary; that which is jealous of you and, as such, seeks to control you, disrupt your plans, and even shatter your dreams. This is someone or something that is unfamiliar, and in conflict with you; it is your opposition and is usually spurred on by the element of envy.

POSITION 3.  The Seven Dwarves

MEANING: These 7 cards represent your helpers; these are the people, things, and energies that are there to aid you and rescue you from your current situation. These are the people who will dig deep to find what is precious and valuable in you, and keep you safe from harm. These are the people, things, and energies that will also warn you of approaching danger. Each of the 7 cards is read one-at-a-time, initially, and then interpreted in conjunction with each other (look for the story line these cards all tell). (NOTE: If you want a more expanded reading, you can also interpret how the Snow White card brings aid to these; offering harmony and bringing them into balance.)

POSITION 4.  The Handsome Prince

MEANING: That which will revive, awaken, and stir you from your current situation, and inspire you to live your life fully. This is the Kiss of True Love that ignites your passion to be more than you are now. It is also the enthusiasm you need to re-discover and the appetite for living a life that needs to be refueled.

POSITION 5.  The Apple

MEANING: That which will entice and tempt you, but which should be avoided. This seduction will only lead to you being taken advantage of.

POSITION 6.  The Magic Mirror

MEANING: This represents the principles of both creative power and truth telling. This is what you need to learn. It is already being employed by The Evil Step-Mother Queen and, eventually, provides the information that provokes the assault upon Snow White. This is the honesty that The Evil Step-Mother Queen cannot bear and which Snow White must learn to embrace without guilt or fear.

The whole purpose of The Snow White spread is to show someone that, as Walt Disney is supposed to have said, people ought to know that there’s light after the darkness.

Just some thoughts. If you enjoyed this, please click below to share this with others.

And make sure to sign up for my blog mailing list so you get all future postings delivered directly to your inbox.

© 2011 by Scott Grossberg. All Rights Reserved.