The Deck of Shadows | The “Show White” Spread

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is one of those masterful stories that holds profound meaning for most people. Who hasn’t been enthralled by the retelling of the evil step-mother queen, the magic mirror, and the seven dwarfs? The official story, traced back as far as 1857, has all the elements of a classic mythological tale. It is no wonder, then, that this fairytale can serve as an outstanding backdrop of a divination layout/spread for use with The Deck of Shadows.

For me, the Snow White tale is, itself, a mirror that reflects what many people are feeling today; that sensation of being stuck in place and not knowing where to turn for help. It is a story of knowing you deserve better, but watching others take what you believe to be rightfully yours. It is a testimony of the path our own uneasy innocence takes as it is tested and matures until our happily ever after is achieved.

The following spread, then, can be used to help someone discover how to overcome feelings of being trapped, and what to look for to find the exhilaration and triumph of finally living their dreams.

You will be using 12 cards (7 of those, of course, are for the Dwarves).

Shuffle and cut the deck. Select 12 cards and lay them out, as follows:

The images for this spread, by the way, are from the wonderful illustrator, Charles Santore.

These 12 cards now represent:

POSITION 1.  Snow White

MEANING: Where you are right now. This is the submissive part of yourself that has taken over, thus resigning yourself to the rut in which you find yourself. This is also that part of you that believes if you are too successful, you won’t be liked.

POSITION 2.  The Evil Step-Mother Queen

MEANING: This is your adversary; that which is jealous of you and, as such, seeks to control you, disrupt your plans, and even shatter your dreams. This is someone or something that is unfamiliar, and in conflict with you; it is your opposition and is usually spurred on by the element of envy.

POSITION 3.  The Seven Dwarves

MEANING: These 7 cards represent your helpers; these are the people, things, and energies that are there to aid you and rescue you from your current situation. These are the people who will dig deep to find what is precious and valuable in you, and keep you safe from harm. These are the people, things, and energies that will also warn you of approaching danger. Each of the 7 cards is read one-at-a-time, initially, and then interpreted in conjunction with each other (look for the story line these cards all tell). (NOTE: If you want a more expanded reading, you can also interpret how the Snow White card brings aid to these; offering harmony and bringing them into balance.)

POSITION 4.  The Handsome Prince

MEANING: That which will revive, awaken, and stir you from your current situation, and inspire you to live your life fully. This is the Kiss of True Love that ignites your passion to be more than you are now. It is also the enthusiasm you need to re-discover and the appetite for living a life that needs to be refueled.

POSITION 5.  The Apple

MEANING: That which will entice and tempt you, but which should be avoided. This seduction will only lead to you being taken advantage of.

POSITION 6.  The Magic Mirror

MEANING: This represents the principles of both creative power and truth telling. This is what you need to learn. It is already being employed by The Evil Step-Mother Queen and, eventually, provides the information that provokes the assault upon Snow White. This is the honesty that The Evil Step-Mother Queen cannot bear and which Snow White must learn to embrace without guilt or fear.

The whole purpose of The Snow White spread is to show someone that, as Walt Disney is supposed to have said, people ought to know that there’s light after the darkness.

Just some thoughts. If you enjoyed this, please click below to share this with others.

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© 2011 by Scott Grossberg. All Rights Reserved.

1 thought on “The Deck of Shadows | The “Show White” Spread

  1. Scott, As usual, another great idea. I think folks like the idea of examining themselves in the context of something they can relate to. I know I can personalize something that I relate to, or something that triggers me into connecting with it. It’s like an emotional aid, if you will. I don’t own (at this time) the “deck of shadows”, but my mind is racing through all the possibilities with a tarot deck!

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